Saturday, November 19, 2005

The N Queens Problem

The N Queens Problem is a very famous mathematics and computer alogorithm problem.


It is derived from the 8 queens problem, where the aim is to find the possible ways to place 8 queens on a chessboard so that no queen would attack any other queen. Alternatively, it can also be said that the aim is to palce 8 queens on a 8 times 8 grid so that none of the queens share a common row, column or diagonal.


This problem was originally propsed in 1848 by the chess player Max Bazzel, and many mathematicians (like Guass) have worked on these problems over the years. Even better... this problem appeared in an early computer program called The 7th Guest.


So instead of 8 queens, consider N queens on a N times N size chessboard (i.e. N times N boxes in a grid)

There are actually many ways to derive the solutions. The trick is to draw a diagonal line. This website offers some interesting insight on getting solutions if someone ever asks you for one.

So why am I talking about this now? The reason is because I spent one whole week trying to figure out a fast algorithm to get the solutions. Apparently, this problem can be coded with simple recursion and brute force alogrithm. And I finally got the time limit under 1 second for N = 13... when I declared char (character) instead of int (integer)!

My solution in c++ is here.

Some interesting statistics: (Note: unique solutions means we disallow rotations/reflections)

Order < --- Ordinary Queens --- >
('N') Total Solutions Unique Solutions
1 1 1
2 0 0
3 0 0
4 2 1
5 10 2
6 4 1
7 40 6
8 92 12
9 352 46
10 724 92
11 2,680 341
12 14,200 1,787
13 73,712 9,233
14 365,596 45,752
15 2,279,184 285,053
16 14,772,512 1,846,955
17 95,815,104 11,977,939
18 666,090,624 83,263,591
19 4,968,057,848 621,012,754
20 39,029,188,884 4,878,666,808
21 314,666,222,712 39,333,324,973
22 2,691,008,701,644 336,376,244,042
23 24,233,937,684,440 3,029,242,658,210

For the mathematics part of it, consider the article on mathworld.

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